GRIDSZ Contractor Workflows
Connect all the dots in real-time workflows
Fulfillment helps you organize all the workflows within even the most detailed tasks for managing your telco network. Managing single new connections and simple migrations or large-scale projects with thousands of connections are all automated.
Handle the entire order process with specific worklists for every request. Assignees can work directly in Gridsz or import tasks into their own system with API. Using the Fulfillment and Availability modules together gives you complete, real-time access to the latest network status information.
Task-driven order process
Fulfillment knows exactly what actions are needed and automatically generates tasks based on your protocols and SLAs. Give priority levels to your tasks and include ‘wish dates’ so contractors know when to contact end customers.
The Fulfillment module can manage both simple and complex workflows at every level, from installation and migration to incidents and de-installation. Everyone in the chain receives continuously updated information on the most recent status (active, closed, paused, cancelled) for their respective activities.
Why customers choose Gridsz
All our powerfull modules
Availability overview
Address management
Order fulfilment
Service & incidents
Contractor workflows
Info warehouse
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