GRIDSZ Info warehouse

The convenient warehouse for all your data within the Gridsz Platform, that acts as a single source for all your management information.
Data warehouse for all your Gridsz data
Fully customizable data marts for highly specific information
No need for imports and exports to your BI systems with API connectivity
Incredibly fast and reliable input for KPI and SLA monitoring

Fast and easy data access

Info aggregates operational data from all the modules you use on the Gridsz Platform and makes every bit of information you want available in multiple data marts that can be defined and configured as needed.

That means no more workarounds and manual fixes because of pre-defined reports that don’t fit your exact reporting and monitoring needs.

Use the API connectivity for a fast interface with your own BI system for ultimate control and insights.

Real-time flexibility

Info lets you combine information however it suits you, whether you want detailed input for your management information, or simply need a quick update on your most critical KPIs.

You can request highly specific information and view it immediately. And because Info works with data calls instead of static information, everything is always 100% up to date. Whenever you need it.

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Why customers choose Gridsz

Bart van der Pol

Open Dutch Fiber

“As a passive network operator Gridsz will enable us to more apply steer our business.”

Jop van Veen

BAM Telecom

Cost and time savings by working more efficiently. Especially for the mechanics, working with one platform is easier

Let’s make your network management easier!

Let our industry experts show you how the Gridsz Platform can make your telco network resource management tasks faster, easier and more efficient. With our years of telco experience, we understand your network management challenges. We’d love to share our solutions!

Jean Vervloet

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