GRIDSZ Availability Overview

Network overview with full visibility into every asset available, whether existing or planned.
Data warehouse of available and planned connection
Supports sales and capacity planning
Updated in real-time and always accessible, with API-connectivity available
Filter on fine details, perform bulk actions and exports

Connection knowledge

Availability is a data warehouse that provides insights into the network status. Whether existing or planned connections, both are visible in full detail in a complete and continuously updated overview available at any time with a simple search.

Useful for network owners and operators as well as service providers who need to answer customer requests. A simple click on the connection ID provides the technical details, and when connected to the Fulfilment module, can even show the order planning and status in real time.

Flexible and secure

The Availability module is designed to continuously extract the latest information through direct connections to asset management systems, such as Cocon for fiber optics, but you can also upload your own (copper) network data for a full overview of your entire network.

The data warehouse allows you to filter and slice information along any parameters you like for easy use in your internal processes. To keep your data secure, user and security management are set up to strictly allow access only to those with specific permissions.

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Why customers choose Gridsz

Bart van der Pol

Open Dutch Fiber

“As a passive network operator Gridsz will enable us to more apply steer our business.”

Jop van Veen

BAM Telecom

Cost and time savings by working more efficiently. Especially for the mechanics, working with one platform is easier

Let’s make your network management easier!

Let our industry experts show you how the Gridsz Platform can make your telco network resource management tasks faster, easier and more efficient. With our years of telco experience, we understand your network management challenges. We’d love to share our solutions!

Jean Vervloet

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