During the Fiber Vakdag on 11 October, Gridsz had the opportunity to join Open Dutch Fiber in a break-out session on Gridsz' role in the successful, rapid realisation of as many as 1million connections in the past 2.5 years. Niels van der Pluijm joined Bart van der Pol, Business Architect at ODF, to discuss ODF's secret behind this rapid rollout, reviewing the benefits of all parties involved.
Foto ODF en Gridsz
Foto ODF en Gridsz

Van der Pluijm: How did Gridsz help ODF make this large-scale rollout so quick and successful?

Van der Pol: “Firstly, Gridsz helped in the speed by implementing the system in a relatively short time so that ODF could be operational within 4 months. This included not only the implementation of ODF itself, but also the integration with the active operator through interfaces for orders and availability information. Rapid implementation is crucial to ensure an efficient large-scale rollout. In addition, the Gridsz Platform contributed to the realisation of the delivery street. This is an important part of the network rollout, as it enables physical connectivity between the fibre network and end users. But Gridsz also enabled the automation of engineering data in order processing. This means that orders are automatically provided with the necessary technical data, such as ODF/passive port data. This reduces manual efforts and increases the efficiency of the ordering process.”

Van der Pluijm: “And what specific benefits does that give ODF stakeholders in the chain?

Van der Pol: “If we look at the active operator, we talk about 100% orderability: in our case, we work with Odido. They can place orders for all addresses, even if the physical connection has not yet been established. This means they can offer their services to a wider customer base, without waiting for the full infrastructure rollout. And in addition, early order placement: by submitting orders at an early stage, even before engineering is ready or the connection is built, Odido can gain competitive advantage by attracting customers early and offering their services at a time that is beneficial to the customer. Odido can also make product adjustments without waiting for the physical completion of the connection. This means they can respond quickly to changing customer needs or introduce new offerings.

In the case of the contractor, we talk about early order intake: orders can be taken for addresses where engineering has not yet been completed. This helps the contractor get a better idea of the expected workload and schedule for laying the fibre-optic cables. And by supporting ISP/active operator switching processes, end customers can seamlessly switch to Odido’s services without duplication of services or outages. This improves customer satisfaction.

End customers can benefit from the ability to submit orders and make interim changes. For example, if there are new offers or if their needs change. The long-term construction of fibre networks can lead to challenges regarding switching services, which often have a limited duration. Thanks to Gridsz, the order can be put in before the connection is ready, reducing the chances of the switch failing due to delays in delivery.

In short, the benefits extend to all stakeholders. Odido can serve more customers and be more flexible in their bids. The contractor can plan more efficiently and the end customers benefit from flexibility and better switching service. This contributes to a smoother rollout of fibre networks and an improved customer experience.

Gridsz has played a valuable role in speeding up, streamlining and automating the various aspects of the large-scale FttH rollout, especially in terms of order processing and setting up the delivery line. This kind of technological support can be crucial in large-scale projects to reduce costs and shorten deployment time.”

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