Better ROI: Get business information from one single source

Do you still have a BI system that takes a lot of time loading your telco fiber network management information from different sources? And do you still have to translate and manipulate the data into usable information and key indicators? If your business depends on fast knowledge about every aspect of your telco network, Gridsz has created the perfect solution.
Get business information from one single source
Get business information from one single source

Do you still have a BI system that takes a lot of time loading your telco fiber network management information from different sources? And do you still have to translate and manipulate the data into usable information and key indicators? If your business depends on fast knowledge about every aspect of your telco network, Gridsz has created the perfect solution.

Our Info module is a single source for all your operational data on the Gridsz Platform, all stored in a continuously updated data warehouse for convenient and immediate use. There’s no need for processing export files or other cumbersome data operations.

Fast, reliable input for your BI, KPI's and SLA's

Multiple data marts can be set up to aggregate data for even your most specific requirements and provide a reliable source for every single piece of input you need to customize and optimize your management information. No need for imports and exports, and the API delivers everything directly into your own Business Information system.

Data in the Info module comes directly from other modules on the Gridsz Platform, which means it is always available exactly when you need it and always contains the most up-to-date information. And you decide what information you need. No standardized, pre-defined reports that you need to pick apart and translate to make them useful for your business, just the freedom and flexibility to combine information however it suits you best.

No performance issues for operations

The use of data marts that are built from continuously extracted data sets (data calls) also avoids the usual performance issues on your operating systems when loading data to your information systems. By using the data calls, the Info module can provide you with the most up-to-the-minute business information without affecting any of the original data. Every piece of operational data remains intact.

The data marts also allow you to easily combine data from every Gridsz module you use. This lets you construct the exact input you need for your reports and monitoring tools and load it in no time. The easy combination of data from multiple modules means you can design highly precise business information and key indicators and always have the latest updates available at the click of a button.

Gridsz modules

At Gridsz, our goal is to make life easier for network owners and their operators, service providers and contractors. Maximum automation for optimal control and business information is one of the ways we do that. We can simplify, automate and standardize every data requirement, all while keeping things fully configurable to your specific needs. Contact us when you’re ready to make your network resource management easier and your operational ROI better! (GRIDSZ Info warehouse – GRIDSZ Platform)


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Jean Vervloet

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